A lyrical fusion of life and landscape, THE UNFIXING reveals one mother’s path from illness to healing and from climate despair to a planetary belonging.
Sheila Nevins, winner of 11 Oscars, 31 Emmys, & 42 Peabodys
Kaeley Pruitt-Hamm, musician, chronic illness and environmental activist, and host of the Canary Collective Podcast sits up in bed as she talks with THE UNFIXING creator Nicole Betancourt.
Emmy Award & Golden Spire winning director, Nicole Betancourt has produced over seventy short videos, created two video art installations, won over a dozen awards, participated in two fellowships, built a film festival, and launched the first online outreach toolkit for filmmakers.
A companion piece to the film, this interactive site-specific video and sound installation explores the interconnection of the human body and the Earth through the experiences of loss and illness. It includes a memorial to nature lost because of human behavior.